Load file

In: file types

All load histories data_vectors are saved to files rootname.ldh the distinction of the real meaning of the load history is hidden in the header of its data_vector. Following types are defined:

* decomposed load cycles separated cycles defined by upper value, lower value, number of occurences of the given load cycle in the load history. This type of load history is used for definition of load spectra

- Strain Cycles

- Strain Tensor Cycles

- Force Cycles

- Stress Cycles

- Stress Tensor Cycles

* real load history sequence of values of a given variable. It can be related to a accompanying time scale, which is defined in a separate data_vector (rootname.tim).

- Strain Sequence

- Strain Tensor Sequence

- Force Sequence

- Stress Sequence

- Stress Tensor Sequence

* real load history for record only here local load sequencies on some critical plane belong. Being so specialized, their only use is aimed at recording the local load history on the critical plane. They are not intended to serve as an input for a fatigue analysis.

- Strain Sequence on Plane

- Stress Sequence on Plane

Results of the transient analysis, which is a form of load type, are coverd within its own data_vector and are classified as a result file.

A use of load histories defined as histories of whole stress/strain tensors is not currently enabled. The definition of fatigue analysis through isolated points is preferred in this case. It is true, that this does way not cover all possible cases, which can happen e.g. during non-proportional loading out of the elastic region, where the individual tensor components can change non-proportionally.






header file

transient analysis

time scale

© PragTic, 2007

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